Why we're all here—

We are all here because we believe in the same thing. We belief in the power of the web3 and in the importants and power bees, because they are vital to our survival. We are a community that thinks bees are great and appreciates them. So a NFT collection was born... The SOL BEES, is a society based on the idea of consciously thanking the bees.

This collection was created after an experiment and after the launch of our first collection SOL BEES 1. The experiment simulated what would happen if we had no more bees. Without bees, our harvests would shrink by up to 70%. Especially the fruit would suffer. (Apple etc.)

The task of the bees is to be in a community, thus publicly showing you value the bees and of course collecting honey. This fundamentally means connecting people, to ourselves, and one another.

Check our litepaper

Love honey!